Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Keraluxe Keratin Treatment, get the beautiful shiny, smooth hair you always dreamed of safely without any chemicals!

Keratin Treatments can give you the soft, smooth, healthy looking hair that you have always dreamed of. It is important that you use a treatment that is non-damaging and be wary of the chemicals in some treatments as they can cause reactions to both your skin and to your health.

 Donte's of New York is proud to offer Keraluxe, Safe Keratin Treatment to our customers. SKT (Safe Keratin Treatment) does not contain any form of aldehydes or any carcinogenic ingredients. Keraluxe SKT is so safe it can be used on children as well as pregnant women. SKT results will give you 50-95% curl reduction resulting in more manageable, smoother, healthier, easier to comb, softer, and shinier hair. Treatment will last approximately 3-6 months depending on hair type, maintenance, and environment. In 1-2 hours you can achieve a head of hair that looks and feels gorgeous.

  Call Donte's of New York today to schedule your Keratin Treatment service. Our phone number is: 480-483-8800, visit us on the web at