Monday, December 17, 2018

Steps to keeping your hair looking young

Did you know that hair ages just as the rest of your body and skin do?  Donte's of New York wants to provide you with some tips on how to keep your hair looking young and beautiful. Please read on to find out how:

1.       Limit the use of hot tools-As hair ages, Keratin (the protein that makes hair strong and healthy) begins to deplete.  When we use hot tools on a regular basis, it breaks down the keratin in our hair causes hair to be dry and thus causing breakage. Moisture is so important in keeping hair young and healthy and using heat is not going to help to do that. So, we advise keeping hair moisturized as best as you can. One product that we love is the Sudzz FX Moxee conditioner. It provides great moisture to your hair and only provides beautiful results.   
2.       Keep stress at bay-Stress raises adrenaline levels which then produce Androgens (the male hormone) that can cause hair loss.  
3.       Eat right-Eating a balanced diet is key to keeping your hair healthy.  A diet that is rich in protein, iron, zinc and antioxidant rich foods such as berries and green leafy vegetables will give your hair a nice youthful appearance. 

 If following these steps do not help to get your hair back to it’s beautiful, youthful state, or if you have experienced hair loss , please give us a try.  We are the premier hair loss treatment center of Arizona, providing hair loss solutions for both men and women.  Weather you are just starting to experience hair loss, or have had total hair loss, please know you are not alone, we are here to help.  Please call today for your FREE consultation:  480-483-8800 or visit us on the web at:

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Gorgeous hair for the holidays and 2019!!!

Donte's of New York wants to help you to look your best during the holidays and into the new year!  
We offer a wide range of hair services such as Men's and Women's Hair Replacement, Hair Extensions, Wigs and the Micropoint Solutions techniques.  

Visit our website today to learn more about Donte's of New York.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Gorgeous hair for the holidays!!!

Donte's of New York, is the place to go for all of your holiday hair needs. Whether you want to add length to shorter hair, volume to thinning hair or give yourself the gift of a gorgeous full head of hair for the holidays and new year, Donte's of New York is your holiday resource for beautiful hair this holiday season.

Call Donte's of New York today to find out how we can help you get your special holiday hair look, 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web at: to learn more about what we can do for your hair.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

The importance of hair through time

Hair has been important to us from the beginning of time. Here are some interesting facts about hair:

377-353 B.C.- During the Persian reign of ruler Mausolus, he required his subjects to shave their heads and purchase wigs from him to raise money for the local treasury.

Did you know that Queen Elizabeth the first owned over 80 red wigs?  Wow!

King Louis XIII began losing his hair when he was in his 20's and wore a wig.

There are an average number of 100,000 hairs on a human head.

Hair has been and always will be important to us.  Donte's of New York has been in the hair replacement business for over 50 years.  We offer non-surgical hair loss solutions to make your hair look it's best and make you feel great. Call today for your FREE consultation and visit us on the web at: for more details.

Monday, November 12, 2018

How to take the best care of your hair extensions

Hair Extensions can add volume and/or length to your hair and if taken care of properly, you can usually wear them from 3-6 months.  One of the biggest things we tell our customers is to make sure to use the right products.  We love the Sudzz FX line of products. Their shampoos, conditioners and styling products are all safe for hair extensions and make your hair look and feel great.  Other ways to keep your hair extensions looking great are to never go to bed with your hair wet and to avoid brushing your hair when it is wet too.  Following these few steps, will allow you the opportunity to have long gorgeous hair for a long time. Donte's of New York is a leader in the men's and women's hair replacement/hair extension business.  Please call us today for your FREE consultation: 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web at:

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Hair Support, truly works!!

Donte's of New York is proud to carry a line of products known as the Hair Support system. This truly revolutionary line of products offers the opportunity for your hair to have a second chance.  We have seen hair grow back for people where it seemed there was no more hope.  Call today to find out how the Hair Support System can help you: 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web:

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Tips on maintaining your hair addition

Wearing a hairsystem, hairpiece or wig is easier than ever with all of the great products that have been created specifically for you. And with a little help on your part, you can keep your hair addition looking gorgeous for a long time.  

Whether you decide to wear human or synthetic hair, the common goal is to keep the hair looking natural and beautiful for a long time.  One of the best things you can do is to give your hair a rest. This means taking it off each night or at least a few times a week.  Wearing your hair to bed each night can cause friction so taking it off when you sleep will actually prolong the wear of your hair and keep it looking shiny and not dull from rubbing against your pillow.  Use products that are made for hairsystems such as the Qshi line of hair products. These products are specifically made to keep your hair looking great and come in a variety of options-conditioners, shampoos, mousse, hairspray, gel, etc... Finally, making sure to treat your hair gently is definitely key to keeping your hair looking it's best. Try to not scrub your hair when washing it and avoid rubbing it to dry it. Air drying your hair is always the best option and one we strongly recommend.  

Donte's of New York has been in a leader in the men's and women's hair replacement/hair extension business for over 50 years. We know how important your hair is to you and we want to help you to look and feel your best. Visit us on the web at: or give us a call today for your FREE consultation, 480-483-8800.  

Monday, October 22, 2018

Hair loss, what causes it, and how can we slow it down?

Did you know that each one of your hair follicles is a living organ? It's true! Keeping that in mind, it is important that we do all we can to keep each of them strong so that we can keep the hair we have for as long as possible.

So what causes hair loss?  Primarily in men and women hair loss is caused by aging and our genes.  The Dihydrotestosterone hormone (also known as DHT) plays the biggest part in how quickly we keep or lose our hair.  High levels of DHT will block blood and nutrients from reaching our scalp which then eventually causes the follicle to die.  Women generally produce less of the DHT and women even produce an enzyme called aromatase that helps to block it, that is why less women experience hair loss then men.  Hair thinning and hair loss can also be caused by not taking care of yourself.  A poor diet, stress, medications, use of chemicals and hot tools on your hair to name a few, can all contribute to hair thinning or loss. 

The best way to help maintain your hair is to be sure to use a high quality shampoo such as IHI Hair Support, known to cleanse the hair follicle to allow hair growth, reduce the amount of chemicals or hot tools used on your hair, eat a well balanced diet and keep stress at bay.

 If you are experiencing hair loss, we know it can be difficult, we are here to help. Call Donte's of New York TODAY for your FREE consultation: 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web:

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Hair many to choose from!

Hair Extensions may be attached in numerous ways. When deciding which extension method is right for you, one of the first things you may want to think about is whether you want to always wear your extensions or if you want to take them in and out at your own discretion.  

With clip in extensions, you can have that flexibility.  Clip in extensions may be bought per weft (row) or in a package that might contain several wefts of various sizes. We love the Hair Diamonds line as they have gorgeous hair and are produced in Italy, which means they are very high quality and will last a very long time.
 So let's say,  you don't want to bother with taking them in and out, well in that case you will want extensions that a professional puts in and can last 3-6 months.  If that is the case then your options are going to be wefted extensions or individual extensions.  These types of extensions will stay in and if applied properly as the skilled technicians at Donte's of New York know how to, your hair will be damage free too.  Braiding, sewing and gluing may cause damage to your hair so you want to be sure to look for alternate ways of having your extensions attached, such as we do at Donte's of New York. 

Finally there is Micropoint Solutions, these extensions that can be placed on the top of your head. They are so small, that it would be very hard for anyone to detect them.  Made out of cyber hair (hair that is manufactured and is the closest thing to human hair) these attachments will add volume to your hair while looking 100% natural.  Sold only by trained professionals this product is amazing. 

If you are experiencing hair loss of any kind, whether it be that you are just noticing your hair starting to thin, or if you have lost most of your hair or even all of it, Donte's of New York can help you to achieve a gorgeous full of head that looks natural and allows your existing hair to remain, damage free. We specialize in all non-surgical hair replacement techniques for both men and women. Call us today for your FREE consultation to find out how you too can have a beautiful head of hair today. 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web:

Monday, October 8, 2018

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Getting diagnosed with breast cancer is heart breaking and life changing.  Patients that undergo a certain type of chemotherapy, can experience hair loss which can be devastating.  If you are someone who is told that hair loss will be a side effect of your chemotherapy, we suggest that you handle this part of your treatment by trying to meet with a professional that can help you to select a wig that suits you and can mimic how you looked before the chemotherapy treatments.  It is best to visit a hair professional prior to your treatments as most people start to experience hair loss within the 1st -2nd rounds of chemotherapy. Having a wig to transition to that you feel great in, will help to make your road to recovery so much easier. 

Donte's of New York has over 50 years of experience in the hair loss treatment field, offering non surgical solutions to both men and women to help you get back your hair to the way you want it to look...natural and beautiful.  Call us today for your FREE consultation or visit us on the web: to find out more. 

Saturday, September 29, 2018

The best hair replacement and hair extension products

If you wear hair replacement or hair extensions, it is very important that you use the proper products to maintain them.  Using products that are not formulated to keep your hair additions looking and being their healthiest will wear them down much quicker.  At Donte's of New York we offer a wide range of shampoos, conditioners and hair products that are specifically formulated to provide you with a beautiful and natural looking head of hair.  Call today to find out more, 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web at:

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Donating hair is the best!

Donating hair can be very rewarding. People who suffer from Alopecia and other autoimmune diseases as well as those who have lost hair from other medical causes and genetic hair loss, count on donations to help make wigs which in turn better their lives.  There are several organizations that will accept your donated hair. It used to be that permed or colored hair could not be accepted, but that has now changed and Donte's of New York is proud to help you prepare and ship your donated hair to one of the wonderful groups that helps make wigs from your donations. 

 If you are interested in being a hair donor, please call Donte's of New York today to set up your FREE donation appointment , 480-483-8800. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Recovering from temporary hair loss

Hair loss, may not always be permanent, there are times when you may experience hair loss for a short period of time. Temporary hair loss may be caused by a stressful life situation, medications or surgeries to name a few. Below are some ways in which you can overcome the temporary hair loss while at the same time, allow your hair to grow back in.

If you’re hair loss is occurring at the front of your hairline:
Bangs may be the answer. Have your stylist create a bang look by cutting your hair a little further back than normal. This will cover any thinning along the front hair line.

If you’re losing hair in your part:
Have your stylist show you how to create a criss cross look in your part. This will make your part appear fuller without having to do a lot of styling.

If you are experiencing hair loss all over your scalp:
If you find the hair loss is showing up in different parts of your scalp, you may want to consider a hairsystem. They are very easy to use, look natural and are not difficult to maintain.

At Dontes of New York, we know how important your hair is to you. We understand how difficult hair loss is, whether it is temporary or permanent. Please call us today for a FREE consultation to find out how we can help you get back a full head of hair that you can be proud of, 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web at:

Monday, September 10, 2018

Strengthen and grow your hair with Hair Support

Donte's of New York is proud to carry a line of products known as the Hair Support system. This truly revolutionary line of products offers the opportunity for your hair to have a second chance.  We have seen hair grow back for people where it seemed there was no more hope.  

Call today to find out how the Hair Support System can help you: 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web:

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Taking control of frizzy hair

Frizzy hair, it is hard to manage and hard to control, but one sure thing, is that frizzy hair lacks hydration.  You heard it right, when hair is frizzy, it is because the hair's cuticle, which is the protective outer layer of your hair, gets flayed out in different directions.  In healthy hair that is hydrated, the cuticle will stay sealed and the hair will be shiny and smooth.  Frizzy hair, can be controlled by reducing the amount of friction that is placed on the hair and as you know by now, hydrating the hair.  Frizzy hair, is also more prone to breakage and breakage can result in hair loss.  Here are a few tips on keeping your hair well hydrated:

  • Start from the inside by making sure to drink plenty of water every day.  
  • When you wash your hair, it is important that you never vigorously scrub it, doing so, can cause friction which can lead to frizzy hair.  
  • Use products that are moisturizing and not harsh on the hair. Look at the ingredients and try to stay away from any shampoos, conditioners or styling products that contain high levels of alcohol or chemicals as these are things that will dry your hair.  
  • Keep your hair hydrated. Try not to use high heat products frequently, they will dry out your hair when used too often.
Donte's of New York has been in the men's and women's hair replacement business for over 50 years. Hair is our specialty and if you find that you have been losing yours or have lost more than you are comfortable with, we are here to help. We offer non-damaging solutions for men and women to have a head of hair they can be proud of.  Visit us on the web at: or call us today for a free consultation: 480-483-8800

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Hair has and will always be important

Hair has been important to us from the beginning of time. Here are some interesting facts about hair:

377-353 B.C.- During the Persian reign of ruler Mausolus, he required his subjects to shave their heads and purchase wigs from him to raise money for the local treasury.

Did you know that Elizabeth the first owned over 80 red wigs?  Wow!

King Louis XIII began losing his hair when he was in his 20's and wore a wig.

There are an average number of 100,000 hairs on a human head

Hair is important and seems to always have been. Let Donte's of New York help you have a head of hair you will love. Having been in the hair replacement business for over 50 years, Donte's of New York has non-surgical hair loss solutions to make your hair look great. Call today for your FREE consultation and visit us on the web at: for more details.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Living with Trichotillomania

Trichotillomania, yes it is a mouthful, but for those 2.5 million Americans of all ages that live with it, it is a difficult struggle on a daily basis.  Not only is Trichotillomania a bad habit, it is a neurological disorder that causes people to pull out their own hair. As time progresses, and hair is pulled out of the same area by the root, it can leave permanent hair loss.  Although it may affect men it is predominant in women.  We see people who have this and it is heart breaking because it is so difficult for the afflicted individual to control. 

Fortunately we are here to help. If you are suffering from hair loss due to Trichotillomania, genetic or medically, we have natural solutions that can make you feel great about your hair again.  Call today for your FREE consultation to learn how: 480-483-8800 and please visit us on the web:

Monday, August 13, 2018

How long can you wear a set of hair extensions?

Hair Extensions can be costly and we all want to get the most bang for our buck, don't we?  So, how long should hair extensions last?  When applied properly, hair extensions can last up to 6 months. Anything longer than that can cause tension on the hair and that can cause breakage.  Hair extensions should not last for less than 2 months when installed using the right methods.  Always selecting the right type of extension method will insure the longevity of your hair extensions. Look for methods that do not require hot glue, braiding or sewing as this could cause temporary to permanent hair loss. 

Donte's of New York has been in the hair replacement/hair extension business for almost 50 years, offering hair loss and hair extension solutions for men and women with fine, thinning hair or hair loss.  Visit us on the web to find out more: or call today for your FREE consultation: 480-483-8800. 

Saturday, August 4, 2018

The history of Donte's of New York

Donte's of New York is no newbie to the hair replacement/hair extension scene. In fact Donte's of New York started over 50 years ago and has been run ever since by Donte himself.

Donte started out in the Hair Replacement/ Hair Extension business by running his own factory that processed hair to be used in wigs and hair pieces. Soon after he realized that making his own wigs and hairpieces was a better way to help those who were in need of hair and thus began For Men Only in Queens, NY. 

For Men Only had locations in both Manhattan and on Queens Boulevard in Forest Hills, NY for 30 years always keeping the same phone number.

In 1997 Donte moved to Scottsdale, Arizona and in 1999 Donte's of New York was opened.  Donte's of New York has been in business in Scottsdale for the past 18 years.  Donte, along with his very skilled team, provide  high quality, natural hair solutions to both men and women that do not require any surgery. 

We know that hair loss can be difficult, why not go with a family owned company that has been in the business for over 50 years and knows how to make you look and feel your best?  Call us today for your FREE consultation:  480-483-8800 or take a look at our website to find out more:

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Hair, what's normal, and what's not?

Your hair and your scalp, can undergo many different stages, Donte's of New York, would like to set the record straight on a few of them.  

Dandruff:  Although these white flakes can be bothersome, dandruff is not something that is contagious nor is it harmful to your body. Dandruff is said to come from oily skin, cold or dry weather, eczema or even stress.  Keeping your scalp oil free and using a dandruff shampoo, can help ail your itchy scalp.  

Seborrheic Dermatitis: Similar to dandruff, but instead of white flakes, these are greasy and yellow in color.  This is actually an inflammatory skin condition and can be the result of an underlying more serious condition. If you are suffering from this, using an antidandruff shampoo is your best course of action.  

Temporary hair loss: Humans generally shed about 100 hairs per day.  When you lose a hair naturally, the new hairs are growing back in at the same time.  However, if you have had a surgery, taken medication, given birth or pretty much anything new and you are saying a great deal of hair loss, you may want to discuss it with your doctor to determine your hair loss' underlying cause.  

Permanent hair loss: Permanent hair loss may be caused by genetics or by an autoimmune disease, such as Alopecia.  For some with alopecia the hair may grow back, while with others, the loss is permanent.  

At Donte's of New York, we understand all of your hair care needs. We know how hard it can be to discover that your hair loss is permanent. We have solutions for you that will make you feel like you again. All of our services are provided in private rooms by a staff who cares about you and understands how devastating your hair loss may feel.  Call Donte's of New York today to learn more about how we can help you get your hair back to where you want it be, beautifully and naturally, 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web at:

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Tips for keeping your hair healthy

Washing your hair does many things, it cleans your scalp and your hair and it makes your hair smell great too, but what can you do to make your hair it's shiniest and healthiest? Please read below for some tips we think you should know. 

  1. Rinse the shampoo out really good - So you have given your hair a good wash but did you know that leaving even a little of the shampoo residue in your hair can cause your hair to look dull and flat?  Yes, it's true.  So, always make sure that the suds are rinsed out well and use a good conditioner, such as Sudzz FX Moxee to give your hair an extra shiny glow. 
  2. Use the right style products- It can be so confusing when you are standing in front of the products shelf at your favorite store.  Everyone wants to tell you that their products are the best and the promises that are made are not always the results that you see. You can end up spending a fortune on hair products and still not get the desired look you are after.  If looking for something to give your hair more shine, we love the Sudzz FX Zenyth serum. What's so great about it, is it is lightweight, has silicone in it to protect your hair from heat and hot tools and even smells great too. Always make sure to use about a dime sized amount and spread it evenly throughout your hair.  Using too much could actually cause your hair to tangle so be careful not to overuse it. 
  3. Clarify, Clarify, Clarify-Once a month, pick a day and use a good clarifying shampoo on your hair.  We love the Sudzz FX Nyrvana.  Clarifying once a month will clean up any buildup on your scalp and leave your hair looking extra shiny and beautiful. 
We love hair and we want you to love yours too!  Donte's of New York, has been in the Hair Replacement business for over 45 years. We provide hair loss solutions to both Men and Women with fine, thinning hair or total hair loss, non surgically.  We know hair loss can be difficult, we are here to help. Please call us today for your FREE consultation, 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web: and please like us on Facebook, Donte's of New York. 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Tell me about....Hair Extensions at Donte's of New York

Who would have thought that hair extensions could give you so much flexibility? Hard to believe for some I am sure. But in actuality hair extensions can allow you to go from a short haircut to a beautiful head of long flowing locks all in less than a few hours time. 

Picking which extensions work best for you is the hard part. There are many ways that extensions can be attached. Some leave your hair healthy and allow your hair to grow without leaving any lasting damage.While other extensions can cause breakage, and even sometimes permanent hair loss. 

At Donte's of New York we strive to provide our customers with extensions that will allow you to have a gorgeous head of hair, while at the same time leave your hair damage free. Whether you just want to wear your extensions every now and then by selecting our clip in extensions by Hair Diamonds  or prefer to have them in for 3-6 months, Donte's of New York can give you hair that will make you feel confident and gorgeous.  Find out how today, give us a call for your FREE consultation:  480-483-8800 or check us out on the web at

Saturday, July 7, 2018

How to keep your hair looking it's best as we age

As we age, so does our hair but following the steps listed below can help keep your hair looking healthy and youthful.

1.  Keep ponytails loose & at a minimum:
Keeping hair in tight ponytails, braids or anything that puts stress on your hair, can lead to breakage.  Worn too many days in a row it can also lead to hair loss that sometimes can be permanent. The best advice that we give our clients is to reduce the stress on your hair by alternating wearing your hair down and up.  Try not to wear your hair in a tight pulled back style too many days in a row and keep braiding to a minimum.  Wearing hair extensions that are attached with braids or are sewn in have been known to cause Traction Alopecia, lose of hair in the specific area where extensions are attached in this manner.  At Donte's of New York, our hair extensions are attached in a non-damaging way that will not contribute to hair loss and will actually allow damaged hair to grow out, leaving only healthy hair. 

2.  Shampoo less:
Unless your hair is oily or dirty, it is not always necessary to shampoo daily.  Shampoo's actually can strip the hair, which can cause dull hair and breakage.  If you feel you must shampoo daily, then try to shampoo only at the root and condition the ends.  Choosing a shampoo that is moisturizing is always a good way to go as it will help keep hair shiny and healthy.  We recommend Suddz FX Cashmere Shampoo as it works wonders at moisturizing hair and keeping it looking it's best.

3.  Be extra careful when your hair is wet:
When hair is wet it has a tendency to be elastic and can snap easily. Rubbing your hair with a towel is a no, no as is brushing it.  We always advise our customers to brush their hair out thoroughly before washing their hair and use only their fingers to get out any knots once they come out of the shower.  Once your hair is about 85% dry then you can start using a brush to style your hair. 

4. Use hot tools sparingly:
Using hot tools such as curling irons, hair dryers or flat irons on a daily basis can cause hair to dry out. This will lead to dull, frizzy and damaged hair that easily breaks.  When using hot tools, it is important that you always use a protective serum or spray, this will coat the hair with silicone and will help to keep hair from being damaged.  Our favorite product is the Suddzz FX Zenyth serum.  All you need to use is about a dime sized amount and it keeps hair looking shiny and beautiful even when you are using hot tools.  Using hot tools less often is also recommended. Try air drying your hair or flat ironing every few days, and you should see a nice difference. 

Donte's of New York is the premier hair loss treatment center in Scottsdale, Arizona. We provide hair loss solutions for both men and women who have fine hair, thinning hair, partial or total hair loss, all non-surgically and without further damage to your hair.  Please check us out on the web at: , Like us on Facebook at Donte's of New York or call today for your FREE consultation: 480-483-8800. We know hair loss can be difficult, you are not alone, we are here to help.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Synthetic hair vs. Human hair

When you are ready to purchase a wig or a hairsystem, you will be faced with the decision of whether you would like your new hair to be, Human Hair or Synthetic Hair.  How does one determine which would be better for them?  Below are the pluses and minuses to both.

Human Hair

  1. It's human hair, which means it is going to look just as your own hair did.  Also, if you still have any of your own hair, it should blend in well with it.  
  2. You can do everything you did with your own hair with a human hairpiece or wig-curling, coloring, etc...
  3. It looks natural. Sometimes dependent upon the quality of the synthetic hair, you can see a marked difference from the sheen of the hair. A lot of synthetic hair tends to have a shiny look. 
  4. It can be fragile and can easily break. The hair on a wig or hairsystem is processed so taking great care of it and keeping it moisturized is key. Not properly conditioning the hair or keeping it hydrated can cause the hair to become dry and brittle which can lead to breakage. 
Synthetic Hair

1.  Easy to wash and wear-synthetic hair keeps it's shape so you really do not have to spend a great deal of time styling it.
2. Less expensive to purchase in a lot of cases. Because it is manufactured hair and not human hair the costs are a lot lower. 
3.  Shine. Synthetic hair, particularly lower grade wigs or hair pieces tend to have a high shine to them. This makes the hair not look as natural as it should and if you still have some of your own hair, it may not match or blend in with it very well.  
4.  Frizzing. If too much friction is applied to synthetic hair, it can frizz up and there is not a lot that can be done to recover it. 
5.  You will not be able to use high heat on a synthetic wig or hairsystem. In most cases it will melt the hair and ruin it completely. So no high heat styling.  

Donte's of New York is the premier hair loss treatment center in Scottsdale, Arizona. Offering non-surgical hair loss solutions to both men and women. Whether you are suffering from fine hair, thinning hair or total hair loss, we are here to help you get back a full head of hair that looks natural and feels great.  Call us today for a FREE consultation:  480-483-8800. Please visit us on the web at: and please LIKE us on Facebook, Donte's of New York. 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Melanoma of the scalp

With the start of summer upon us, now is the time to make sure that our skin is well protected. One of the areas that is most often over looked by men and women who have thinning or no hair is on the scalp.  Melanoma can effect anyone and for those of us experiencing hair loss our risks can be greater.  The more risk factors you have, the more likely you are to get Melanoma.  The following are the risk factors you need to know:

Having a lot of moles
If you have a lot of moles, particularly large ones, keeping track of them with a Dermatologist is very important.

Being an over 50 white male
Men who are over 50 and are of Caucasian descent tend to have a higher risk of getting Melanoma then their non-white counterparts.  Paying particular attention to the back and to the scalp is key. At Donte's of New York,  we work closely with our client's scalps, and in doing so, we have been able to help identify many suspicious moles on our customers scalps. Although  they are not always happy to get this news, they are always grateful to have them removed before they turn into something much worse. 

Spending a lot of time in the sunlight
Although the sun's rays helps with our vitamin D intake, it is important to know that the sunlight is still carcinogenic to our skin.  The more you burn the higher your risk of developing melanoma.

Melanomas usually run in families.  If you know that a great deal of your family members have been treated for Melanoma, it should be a priority for you to visit with a Dermatologist on a regular basis to make sure that your skin is being watched.

Donte's of New York is the premier hair loss treatment center in Scottsdale Arizona, serving both Men and Women who are experiencing thinning hair or total hair loss. We offer non-surgical solutions such as hair replacement, hair extensions, wigs and the Micropoint Solutions procedures.  We know hair loss can be difficult, you are not alone, we are here to help. Call today for your FREE consultation to learn more about how Donte's of New York can help you get your hair back, 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web:

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles. As many as 6.8 million people in the United States are affected by this disease.  About 20% of those people with Alopecia Areata have inherited it. Environmental factors, such as a virus or a stressful life event are the ways in which you may first notice the symptoms of hair loss.  For some, Alopecia Areata, can progress to Alopecia Totalis, which is total hair loss on the scalp or in the worst case scenario, Alopecia Universalis-complete hair loss of the scalp and entire body. 

So, what is normal hair loss?  The average person loses about 100 strands of hair per day, in some cases, a little more.  Some people may lose more hair during the change of seasons or after a surgery as well.  In those cases, the hair will grow back, but if you notice more and more hair loss over the course of several weeks or months, then that could signal a deeper problem and you should consult your doctor for answers. 

Donte's of New York is a leader in helping people with their hair loss.  With over 50 years of experience in the hair loss treatment industry, we have solutions that can help you during a temporary or permanent hair loss.  Find out more today, by visiting us on the web at: or call us today for a FREE consultation: 480-483-8800. We know hair loss is scary, we are here to help. 

Friday, June 8, 2018

Why are hair extensions at Donte's of New York better than others?

Why are the hair extensions at Donte's of New York better than others?  We have spent years, (over 50) to find the right type of hair and the right type of extensions for our clients. 

Hair quality is very important when wearing hair extensions. You don't want hair that is going to knot or shed. You want hair that is shiny and full of life.  At Donte's of New York we use the highest quality hair extensions around, non tangling, non shedding and most of all gorgeous. 

The application of your hair extensions is also very important. You want to have your extensions applied in such a way so that there is no lasting damage done to your hair.  Gluing, braiding and sewing will only leave your hair with damage and even hair loss. At Donte's of New York our extensions are applied by our highly skilled technicians in ways that will allow your hair to grow in a healthy way, leaving you with a beautiful head of hair.

 If you are looking for top quality hair extensions, then Donte's of New York is where you will find them. Please visit us on the web at: or call us for your FREE consultation at:  480-483-8800 today! 

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Women's hair loss

Did you know that almost half of the female population suffers from hair loss by the time they are in their 50's?  It is a difficult statistic to believe, but it is true. Women are more and more likely to be following the trend of our male counterparts when it comes to hair loss. 

Women have a tendency to lose hair on the top of their heads unlike men who tend to recede in the front hairline.  When hair loss begins, the first step, we always recommend is to see your general physician. This will rule out any medical issues such as thyroid conditions that might be attributing to your hair loss. If your doctor determines that your hair loss is genetic, there are a few steps you could take.

  •  If you catch your hair loss in its early stages there are several topical treatments that will help to build strength in your hair follicle and will slow down the hair loss.  We love the Hair Support line. There is a kit that comes with a shampoo, conditioner and overnight treatment.  We have seen huge results with this line and it is our best seller. Keeping your hair clean while experiencing hair loss should be a top priority and the hair support shampoo gets down to the hair follicle to allow your hair to grow and produce a fuller head of hair. 
  •  If your hair loss has gotten to a point where you don not believe it can grow back, then there are many wonderful non surgical options that are available.  At Donte's of New York we offer hairsystems to our female clients who have experienced a great deal of hair loss. These hairsystems are all human hair and look so natural that when someone is looking onto your head all they see is scalp and a beautiful head of hair.  We also offer hair extensions. Many of our customers just have fine and sometimes thinning hair. Hair extensions can provide a beautiful head of hair when attached in a non-damaging way as we do at Donte's of New York. Finally, we also offer the Micropoint line of hair. Micropoint Links allow you to add 4 hairs to 1 of your existing hairs, giving you a fuller head of hair that looks so natural no one would know.  Micropoint Accents are small extensions that can be placed on the top of the head and can give you a ton of volume where you need it the most. 

We know hair loss can be difficult, Donte's of New York is here to help.  Visit us on the web at: or call us today for your FREE consultation:  480-483-8800. 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Our pick for shiny, healthy hair

As you may have noticed on your recent trip down the hair aisle, hair oils are plentiful and there are so many different types to choose from.  Oils help to increase shine and provide moisture which in turn prevents breakage.  For years, we have used and sold Sudzz FX Frizz Eliminator Zenyth. This product is silicone free, light weight, smells great and works well with both natural and hair additions.  If you have not tried Sudzz FX Zenyth yet, please visit us at Donte's of New York to learn more about it, or give us a call, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding it's use.

Donte's of New York specializes in men's and women's hair replacement and has been doing so for over 50 years.  Visit us on the web at: or call us today to find out more:  480-483-8800.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Ways to match your own hair to a hair addtiion or to hair extensions

Once the decision has been made to purchase a hair addition, there are some important things to keep in mind. 

  • Color: This is one of the first things most people think about.  If the color does not match, a natural look will be difficult to accomplish.   
  • Length: Length is important because you want to make sure that you are comfortable with and have an ease of handling the hair at the length you decide upon. 
  • Density:  Density should be high on your list, if the hair is too thick or too thin it may not appear natural. It may be hard to determine the density once you have experienced a great deal of thinning or hair loss. If you are like most people the loss of hair makes you want a lot more of it. Having a thick full head of hair is not something most people had to begin with.  If you want your hair to look as it did before your hair loss began then you want to be sure to get a density you can be happy with.  As time progresses and you become more comfortable with your hair addition or hair extensions,  you may decide to add length or even more density but it is recommended to start out conservatively until the whole process of wearing hair becomes comfortable to you.  There are of course those of us who don't mind if others know they have a hair addition, if that is you, then by all means select what you want, but keep in mind, that a lot of hair does mean a lot more work. 

If you have fine hair, thinning hair or total hair loss, Donte's of New York can help you, providing natural  hair loss solutions for both Men and Women that are non-damaging, and will give you back your self confidence. Call us today for your FREE consultation: 480-483-8800, please visit us on the web at: or on Facebook: Donte's of New York.  We know hair loss can be difficult, you are not alone, we are here to help. 

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Hormonal Hair Loss and what you can do about it

Hormonal hair loss, may be triggered either by a medical hormonal imbalance (which include thyroid disorders) or by a traumatic event such as surgery or losing a lot of weight.  These events can cause your estrogen and progesterone to slow down and your androgen and testosterone levels to go up, which then causes hair loss.  This type of hair loss generally can last up to seven months. During that time frame, you will not have a lot of hair growth in the areas where the loss has occurred.

If you find that you have experienced this type of hair loss, it can be devastating and very scary.  Things such as exercise, stress reduction and healthy living, will help to get your hair back to it's normal state.  In some cases, if your hair loss is hormonal related, your doctor may be able to help you by prescribing medication to fix the issue.

In some cases, your hair may not grow back to its previous fullness. If you find yourself with less hair than you are comfortable with, Donte's of New York can help you get back that fullness you desire. We have been in the Men's and Women's hair replacement business for over 50 years and offer natural non-medical hair loss solutions all in complete privacy. If you are not happy with your hair and want more fullness, please give us a call. We offer FREE consultations with absolutely no obligation. Call today to find out how you too can have a gorgeous head of hair: 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web at: to learn more.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

What causes hair loss in men?

The primary reasons for male pattern hair loss are composed of three factors, genetics, age and hormones.  It is common for about 1/3 of all men to experience some form of hair loss by the age of 45.  DHT, (dihydrotestosterone) is what causes hair loss.  The hair follicles are shrunk by DHT which, makes the hair finer and finer until eventually is stops growing altogether. 

If you have experienced hair loss and are dreaming of a full head of hair, Donte's of New York is here to help. We are a full service non-surgical,  hair loss treatment center for both Men and Women. We provide hair loss solutions that will give you a head of hair you can be proud of.  Call us today for your free consultation: 480-483-8800, or visit us on the web at:  We know hair loss is hard, you are not alone, we are here to help. 

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Postpartum hair loss

When a woman is pregnant her body produces a lot more estrogen than normal.  The rise in estrogen levels can cause a woman's hair to grow rapidly. About 3-4 months after the woman gives birth, the estrogen hormone decreases tremendously and will cause the hair follicles to go into what is known as the Telogen phase.  When the hair follicles are in the Telogen phase, they then will go into shedding. This shedding can last anywhere from 4-7 months. The hair loss may appear to be happening all over the scalp but a lot of women will notice that their hair line is receding back further than what it was prior to or during their pregnancy. 

What can you do, if you are a new mom and this has happened to you?  If you are breast feeding, make sure to consult with your doctor prior to taking any supplements to make sure that they are safe for the baby.  Some natural things such as eating a healthy diet, will definitely help your hair growth.  If you are looking for a temporary solution, then hair extensions or Micropoint Links may be an option. Hair extensions can provide a fullness to not only the bottom portion of your hair but also at the top when applied properly.  Micropoint links add fullness to your hair by attaching 4 strands of hair to one of yours. The best part, they are none damaging and grow out with your own hair.

If you are concerned about thinning hair or hair loss, we know it is scary. We are here to help. Donte's of New York has over 50 years in the men's and women's hair replacement industry.  We provide natural hair addition services that will make your hair look and feel as it did before.  Please call us today for a FREE consultation-480-483-8800, or visit us on the web at: to find out more.