Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Remy or Virgin hair extensions, how does one know?

Visually one cannot tell the difference between Remy Human Hair and Virgin Human Hair extensions but when looking for one or the other, here are some things to know.

Remy Human Hair Extensions:  All of the hairs that make up the extension are running in the same direction, thus allowing the hair to flow freely and not tangle. 

Virgin Human Hair Extensions:  The hair is unprocessed and the cuticle may be running in opposite directions which can cause the hair to knot up if not handles properly. 

Donte's of New York is your hair replacement specialist, offering hair loss solutions for both men and women, which include hair pieces, hair extensions, wigs and Micropoint Solutions. Call today for a FREE consultation to learn how we can help you get a beautiful head of hair, 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web at: 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What causes hair loss?

Did you know that each one of your hair follicles is a living organ? It's true! Keeping that in mind, it is important that we do all we can to keep each of them strong so that we can keep the hair we have for as long as possible.

So what causes hair loss?  Primarily in men and women hair loss is caused by aging and our genes.  The Dihydrotestosterone hormone (also known as DHT) plays the biggest part in how quickly we keep or lose our hair.  High levels of DHT will block blood and nutrients from reaching our scalp which then eventually causes the follicle to die.  Women generally produce less of the DHT and women even produce an enzyme called aromatase that helps to block it, that is why less women experience hair loss then men.  Hair thinning and hair loss can also be caused by not taking care of yourself.  A poor diet, stress, medications, use of chemicals and hot tools on your hair to name a few, can all contribute to hair thinning or loss. 

The best way to help maintain your hair is to be sure to use a high quality shampoo such as IHI Hair Support, known to cleanse the hair follicle to allow hair growth, reduce the amount of chemicals or hot tools used on your hair, eat a well balanced diet and keep stress at bay.

 If you are experiencing hair loss, we know it can be difficult, we are here to help. Call Donte's of New York TODAY for your FREE consultation: 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web:

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hair Replacement and Hair Extension Products

If you wear hair replacement or hair extensions, it is very important that you use the proper products to maintain them.  At Donte's of New York we offer a wide range of shampoos, conditioners and hair products that are specifically formulated to provide you with a beautiful and natural looking head of hair.  Call today to find out more, 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web at:

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness month

Getting diagnosed with breast cancer is heart breaking and life changing.  Patients that undergo a certain type of chemotherapy, can experience hair loss which can be devastating.  If you are someone who is told that hair loss will be a side effect of your chemotherapy, we suggest that you handle this part of your treatment by trying to meet with a professional that can help you to select a wig that suits you and can mimic how you looked before the chemotherapy treatments.  It is best to visit a hair professional prior to your treatments as most people start to experience hair loss within the 1st -2nd rounds of chemotherapy. Having a wig to transition to that you feel great in, will help to make your road to recovery so much easier. 

Donte's of New York has over 50 years of experience in the hair loss treatment field, offering non surgical solutions to both men and women to help you get back your hair to the way you want it to look...natural and beautiful.  Call us today for your FREE consultation or visit us on the web: to find out more.