Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness and how we can help with your hair loss

To finish up our Breast Cancer awareness month, lets find out who is considered at the highest risk:

1.  Women with a prior history of breast cancer
2.  Women over 35
3.  Women with a strong history of breast/ovarian cancer
4.  Women with a known genetic predisposition

If you are faced with a cancer diagnosis and know that radiation/chemotherapy is going to be a part of your plan, please give Donte's of New York a call. We know how hard hair loss can be and we want to be able to be there to help you through it. Call today for a free consultation:  480-483-8800, visit us on the web: www.dontes

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What you need to know...breast cancer awareness...

Being aware when it comes to breast cancer prevention is the first step to keeping yourself healthy.  For Women with a normal risk of breast cancer, it is recommended that the following guidelines are followed: 

Ages 20-39: A breast exam with a doctor every 1-3 years and self examination is always encouraged.

Ages 40 & over:  Annual exam with doctor and screening mammography.

Ages 65-70:  Some people believe that mammography's are not necessary after the ages of 65-70 but several cancer societies do recommend that women of these age groups continue screens.

Self examination is crucial as many women or their spouses are first to find a lump and self exams allow the individual to monitor their body for skin changes, discharge from the nipple and areas of pain or tenderness. 

If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, it can be very scary.  If chemotherapy is part of your treatment plan, it is important that you plan ahead for the hair loss that sometimes follows chemotheraphy treatments.  At Donte's of New York, we understand that you are already going through a lot with your diagnoses and hair loss makes the process that much more difficult. We always recommend that you seek a hair loss solution prior to starting your chemotherapy regimen.  This allows us to create a natural look that will make you feel your best during this difficult time. 

You are not alone, call Donte's of New York today for all of your hair loss needs. Whether you are experiencing hair loss due to medical reasons, just starting to thin or have completely lost your hair due to genetics, Donte's of New York has solutions to help make you look and feel your best. Please call us today for a free consultation:  480-483-8800 or visit us on the web:  We are also on Facebook. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awarenss Month! Here are some Breast Cancer facts:

The most commonly diagnosed breast cancer is called Ductal Carcinoma (starts in the ducts that move breast milk to the nipple) and the second most diagnosed is ...
Lobular Carcinoma (the part of the breast that produces milk).
Breast Cancer may be invasive-spread from the milk ducts or lobules to other breast tissue or non-invasive-not yet invaded other parts of the breast tissue.

There are several tests to identify breast cancer:

Mammograms-help screen and identify breast lumps
MRI's-Better identify breast lump and evaluate an abnormal change on a mammogram.
Ultrasound-Shows whether the lump is solid or fluid filled
Biopsy-Studies the pathology of the tissue
CT or Pet Scans-Used to identify if the cancer has spread.

Breast cancer is a devestating disease and once diagnosed can be very scary. Chemotherapy, although saves lives, can cause havoc with your body such as lethargy, nausea and hair loss. At Donte's of New York, we understand how losing your hair can effect you. If you are diagnosed with breast cancer and know that you will need Chemotherapy, we are here to help you get through this difficult time. Donte's of New York offers wigs that are made especially for you with bases that are soft and have a specially patented strip that will keep the wig securely attached. Call Donte's of New York today, we are here to help. 480-483-8800, visit us on the web at

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Keraluxe Keratin Treatment, get the beautiful shiny, smooth hair you always dreamed of safely without any chemicals!

Keratin Treatments can give you the soft, smooth, healthy looking hair that you have always dreamed of. It is important that you use a treatment that is non-damaging and be wary of the chemicals in some treatments as they can cause reactions to both your skin and to your health.

 Donte's of New York is proud to offer Keraluxe, Safe Keratin Treatment to our customers. SKT (Safe Keratin Treatment) does not contain any form of aldehydes or any carcinogenic ingredients. Keraluxe SKT is so safe it can be used on children as well as pregnant women. SKT results will give you 50-95% curl reduction resulting in more manageable, smoother, healthier, easier to comb, softer, and shinier hair. Treatment will last approximately 3-6 months depending on hair type, maintenance, and environment. In 1-2 hours you can achieve a head of hair that looks and feels gorgeous.

  Call Donte's of New York today to schedule your Keratin Treatment service. Our phone number is: 480-483-8800, visit us on the web at

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Everyone is affected by breast cancer in one way or another. Early detection is the only way to prevent the devestating results of this horrible disease.  Donte's of New York, wants to help educate you and your loved ones during this month and remember those that were lost by this deadly disease. 

  • One in eight women are effected by breast cancer
  • Breast cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death in women, surpassed only by lung cancer.  Fortunately, death rates from breast cancer have been on the decline since 1990 with the largest decreases in women below the age of 50.  Earlier detection and screening are thought to be the the biggest reasons for the decline. 
  • 5%-10% of all breast cancers are hereditary and so if it runs in the family, getting checked out regularly is a must.
  • Hormone therapy has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and heart disease.
  • If caught at an early stage, the risk of dying from breast cancer, can be reduced by 25%-30%.
Donte's of New York is the Premier Hair Loss Treatment Center of Arizona. We provide Hair Loss Treatment solutions for both Men and Women, non-surgically and naturally, such as Hair Replacement, Hair Extensions and Micropoint Solutions.  Call us today for a free consultation to learn more about how Donte's of New York can help you get your hair back, 480-483-8800. Visit us on the web at :