Saturday, March 31, 2018

Postpartum hair loss

When a woman is pregnant her body produces a lot more estrogen than normal.  The rise in estrogen levels can cause a woman's hair to grow rapidly. About 3-4 months after the woman gives birth, the estrogen hormone decreases tremendously and will cause the hair follicles to go into what is known as the Telogen phase.  When the hair follicles are in the Telogen phase, they then will go into shedding. This shedding can last anywhere from 4-7 months. The hair loss may appear to be happening all over the scalp but a lot of women will notice that their hair line is receding back further than what it was prior to or during their pregnancy. 

What can you do, if you are a new mom and this has happened to you?  If you are breast feeding, make sure to consult with your doctor prior to taking any supplements to make sure that they are safe for the baby.  Some natural things such as eating a healthy diet, will definitely help your hair growth.  If you are looking for a temporary solution, then hair extensions or Micropoint Links may be an option. Hair extensions can provide a fullness to not only the bottom portion of your hair but also at the top when applied properly.  Micropoint links add fullness to your hair by attaching 4 strands of hair to one of yours. The best part, they are none damaging and grow out with your own hair.

If you are concerned about thinning hair or hair loss, we know it is scary. We are here to help. Donte's of New York has over 50 years in the men's and women's hair replacement industry.  We provide natural hair addition services that will make your hair look and feel as it did before.  Please call us today for a FREE consultation-480-483-8800, or visit us on the web at: to find out more.

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