One of the most frequently asked questions that we receive from our clients is, "how much hair loss is normal on a given day?" The answer to that is, it is normal to lose up to 150 strands a day. Aging, over coloring your hair and wearing tight ponytails can contribute to even more hair loss. If you find you are losing more than this amount, the first thing we recommend is to visit your physician to rule out a thyroid condition, Vitamin D or iron deficiencies, hormone as well as many other autoimmune diseases that may contribute to your hair loss. If the Doctor cannot diagnose anything, your hair loss could possibly be caused from a high degree of stress or it may just be your genetic make up.
No matter what stage of hair loss you are in, we know it can be devestating. At Donte's of New York, we offer a wide range of non-surgical services that can help you get back a head of hair you will love.
Visit us on the web at: or call today for your FREE consultation: 480-483-8800. You are not alone in your hair loss, we are here to help.
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