Monday, October 22, 2018

Hair loss, what causes it, and how can we slow it down?

Did you know that each one of your hair follicles is a living organ? It's true! Keeping that in mind, it is important that we do all we can to keep each of them strong so that we can keep the hair we have for as long as possible.

So what causes hair loss?  Primarily in men and women hair loss is caused by aging and our genes.  The Dihydrotestosterone hormone (also known as DHT) plays the biggest part in how quickly we keep or lose our hair.  High levels of DHT will block blood and nutrients from reaching our scalp which then eventually causes the follicle to die.  Women generally produce less of the DHT and women even produce an enzyme called aromatase that helps to block it, that is why less women experience hair loss then men.  Hair thinning and hair loss can also be caused by not taking care of yourself.  A poor diet, stress, medications, use of chemicals and hot tools on your hair to name a few, can all contribute to hair thinning or loss. 

The best way to help maintain your hair is to be sure to use a high quality shampoo such as IHI Hair Support, known to cleanse the hair follicle to allow hair growth, reduce the amount of chemicals or hot tools used on your hair, eat a well balanced diet and keep stress at bay.

 If you are experiencing hair loss, we know it can be difficult, we are here to help. Call Donte's of New York TODAY for your FREE consultation: 480-483-8800 or visit us on the web:

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