When does hair loss change from an average normal amount of 150 hairs per today to significant hair loss?
First of all, let's talk about what is considered normal hair loss. Your hair is on a natural growth cycle, which means that each strand of your hair grows for a few years and then will shed. Once the strand has shed, a new follicle forms and so does a new strand. As we age, your hair may not grow back as thick as it might have been in the past and that is why you may find your hair to be less full than it was.
So, what is not so normal with hair loss? If you start to see patches where there is no longer any hair or your part may look a bit bigger than it was in the past, these are signs that you are losing more hair than what is considered to be "normal" hair loss. If this is something that you have started to notice with your own hair, then we have a few steps we think are important to take in order to figure out what might be causing your hair loss.
1. It is always a good idea to first consult with your general doctor. There are many medical reasons for hair loss, such as medications, autoimmune illness, vitamin deficiencies as well as genetics, to name a few.
2. Stress can also be a factor, so think back, have you endured a lot of stress recently, even as far back as a few months? Stress is not only mental either, stress from dieting may also be causing your hair loss, so keep that in mind as well.
3. Give some thought about the way you are taking care of your hair. If you brush your hair too vigorously or wear tight ponytails regularly, this too can be causing your hair to fall out.
If you are experiencing hair loss, Donte's of New York, is here to help. We specialize in men's and women's hair loss treatments to help you get back a head of hair that you will love. Call us today for a FREE consultation or visit us on the web: www.Dontes.com today to find out more. You are not alone, we are here to help, find out how today.
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